The North Kildare Educate Together School (‘NKETS’) is a multi-denominational primary school affiliated to Educate Together (‘ET’) and as such, the guiding principles of Educate Together are reflected in the aims of the school. A process of consultation which began with the Multi-Denominational Education Programme Working Group (‘MDEP Working Group’) in 1998 culminated in the adoption by the school community of the aims for the Multi-Denominational Education Programme. This process brought together representatives of all the partners in the school: the Executive Committee (Patron Body), the Board of Management, the parents and the teachers, and took more than a year to complete. A feature of the process was an open workshop for any member of the school community to contribute to the formulation of the aims of the MDEP. The MDEP is more than just a subject; it is the defining aspect of our school, that which makes our school unique and which gives our school more than anything else, its individual character. Consequently, the aims of the MDEP go far beyond the subject itself and provide a statement of the aims of the school as a whole.
Subsequently, the school adopted the Educate Together Learn Together Programme which is now taught to all classes. However, the original aims of the MDEP remain as a statement of the school’s ethos and distinctive character.