1. Introductory Statement
2. Aims of the Code
3. The Rights of Pupils, Teachers, Staff and Parents
4. Responsibilities of Pupils, Teachers , Staff and Parents
5. Pupils with Special Needs
6. Strategies for Promoting Good Behaviour
7. Responding to Inappropriate Behaviour
8. Suspension
9. Expulsion
10. Implementing and Communicating the Code
The North Kildare Educate Together School Community is one where pupils, staff and parents strive to co-exist in an atmosphere of mutual respect and safety. The aim of the Code of Behaviour is to promote good behaviour using a whole school approach. This code is underpinned by the four principles of Educate Together: multi-denominational; child centred; democratically run and co-educational. The Code of Behaviour takes account of all current N.K.E.T.S policies such as the Anti-Bullying Policy, Child Protection Policy, Communications Policy, Special Needs Policy, School Attendance Strategy and Equality Policy.
This Code of Behaviour is the result of ongoing consultation and collaboration between the Principal, staff, parents, pupils and Board of Management of the school. It was reviewed and reformulated in the school year 2010/2011 in light of “Developing a Code of Behaviour – Guidelines for Schools”, issued by the National Educational Welfare Board (NEWB) and replaces the NKETS Code Of Discipline(2006).
In our school we aim:
• To create an environment where all partners in the school community (i.e. pupils, staff and parents) feel safe, respected and valued.
• To promote self-discipline by affirming that everyone’s behaviour matters and focusing on good behaviour and personal responsibility.
• To create an environment where all pupils and staff can reach their creative and intellectual potential without disruption.
• To have a framework in place to ensure that the school’s high expectations for the behaviour of all the members of the school community are widely known and understood.
• To build positive relationships of mutual respect and support among pupils, staff and parents.
• To enable pupils to mature into responsible participating citizens.
• To help pupils to acquire and develop moral and ethical values and a respect for the beliefs and values of others.
• To promote equality for all members of the school community, to prevent discrimination and allow for appropriate accommodation of difference.
The school’s expected standards of behaviour express the kinds of behaviour and relationships that will create a positive environment for teaching and learning. Central to this is the expectation that all members of the school community behave in ways that show respect for others and that they have an understanding of their rights and responsibilities in relation to the Code of Behaviour as outlined below.
3.1. Pupils’ Rights
Pupils have the right:
• To be educated in a safe, happy and secure environment.
• To grow intellectually, emotionally, morally, spiritually and physically with an understanding of special needs and difference.
• To be treated as an individual with due respect and regard for others within the school community.
• To be listened to.
• To express their emotions, doubts and beliefs.
• To be free from all forms of abuse, whether physical, emotional, mental or sexual.
• To receive information about topics and concerns affecting their lives including information on the Code of Behaviour.
3.2 Teachers’ Rights
Teachers have the right:
• To educate in an environment free from disruption.
• To be respected and held in proper esteem
• To full and open communication with parents.
• To information on the pupil, their family background and access to parents when necessary.
• To voice concerns about the pupil’s safety, behaviour and academic progress.
• To expect backup, support and co-operation from parents and other members of staff for their work.
• To confidentiality.
• To be listened to.
• To appeal to a higher authority, e.g. Board of Management, Department of Education & Science, Union.
• To receive adequate facilities and resources appropriate to their teaching duties.
3.3. Staff Rights
Staff have the right:
• To work in an environment free from disruption.
• To be respected and held in proper esteem.
• To voice concerns about the pupil’s safety and behaviour.
• To expect backup, support and co-operation from parents and other members of staff for their work.
• To confidentiality.
• To be listened to.
• To appeal to a higher authority, e.g. Board of Management, Department of Education & Science, Union.
• To receive adequate facilities and resources appropriate to their duties.
3.4. Parents’ rights
Parents have the right:
• To informative communication with and access to the Teacher/Principal.
• To respect, understanding and confidentiality.
• To updates on the progress of the pupil/pupils.
• To be listened to.
• To be consulted about disciplinary action at an early stage.
• To appeal to a higher authority, e.g. Board of Management, Department of Education & Science.
• To have access to the Code of Behaviour of the school.
4.1. Pupils’ responsibilities
Pupils are responsible for:
• Their class work and homework.
• Knowing and complying with school and class rules.
• Their behaviour in class and on the school premises.
• Their belongings.
• Their classroom.
• School property.
• Their environment.
• Playing safely.
• Not excluding others from their games.
• Helping and caring for others, in particular the younger pupils in the school.
• Behaving in accordance with the Code of Behaviour at all times including when representing the school and on school outings
4.2. Teachers’ responsibilities
Teachers are responsible for:
• The pupils in their care.
• Creating a positive atmosphere/environment for learning.
• Being firm and fair.
• Promoting a culture and practice of equality which values all children equally.
• Being prepared for class work.
• Giving attention to all pupils.
• Communicating with parents on issues concerning their child’s learning and behaviour.
• Having positive expectations for pupils.
• Ensuring opportunities for disruption are minimised.
• Assigning, checking and correcting homework in accordance with the Homework Policy.
• Informing pupils what is expected from them in terms of behaviour.
4.3. Staff responsibilities
Staff are responsible for
• The pupils in their care
• Assisting in the creation of a positive atmosphere and environment for learning.
• Participating in the culture and practice of equality which values all children equally.
• Having positive expectations for pupils.
4.4. Parents’ responsibilities
Parents are responsible for:
• Providing firm guidance and positive role models to pupils.
• Pupil’s behaviour in school.
• Becoming involved in their child’s learning.
• Ensuring homework is completed.
• Ensuring pupils come on time to school.
• Ensuring pupils come prepared for school with pencils, books etc.
• Ensuring pupils have had adequate rest and nourishment.
• Keeping in touch with school about all aspects of pupil’s learning, progress and behaviour.
• Communicating to school/teacher any problems which might affect pupil’s learning.
• Ensuring pupils comply with all school policies.
While all pupils in the school are subject to the school’s code of behaviour, some pupils come to school with special educational needs. Staff at N.K.E.T.S. have an appreciation and awareness of these complex and individual needs. These needs are taken into account during the implementation of the school’s Code of Behaviour. Where a pupil with special needs is in breach of the school’s Code of Behaviour the teachers will use their professional judgment in relation to regularity and level of sanctions. While teachers must be seen to be fair in the eyes of other pupils who may have exhibited the same type of misdemeanors, they may also show leniency in relation to pupils with specific learning/behavioural difficulties. Parents of these pupils will be kept informed of their child’s behaviour on a regular basis and may be requested to work with the school in devising effective strategies to help the pupil to improve his/her behaviour. The devising of such strategies may also entail contacting and meeting with relevant out of school agencies.
Here in N.K.E.T.S. we believe that promoting good behaviour is the main goal of our Code of Behaviour. As part of this the school community are committed to actively promoting a happy atmosphere and positive school environment. This includes practices and strategies to affirm and encourage positive behaviour.
We believe that as adults and professionals we have a greater capacity to develop good relationships with pupils and a greater responsibility for these relationships. As a school community we value and promote mutually respectful relationships which balance warmth and empathy with objectivity, professional detachment, fairness and consistency.
The day-to-day excellence of classroom teaching and school management will enable most pupils to behave in ways that support their own learning and development. Teachers and other school staff also need a range of strategies for promoting and encouraging good behaviour at class and school level.
6.1. School strategies for promoting good behaviour
The following is a list of some whole school strategies -:
• Exploring with pupils their rights and responsibilities.
• Employing a variety of age appropriate strategies within the classroom setting that take into account the needs of all pupils (See below).
• Using the curriculum, in particular the Learn Together Programme and SPHE, we enable the pupils to understand why the code is important and their part in making it work. We also enable them to see that the code works in a fair way.
• Focusing on and promoting specific themes within the curriculum e.g. good manners, friendship, buddy systems, relationships and how pupils treat each other.
• Using reward systems both in a whole school and classroom setting (See below).
• Setting standards for pupil behaviour that incorporate high expectations and ensuring that they are clear, consistent and widely understood.
• Promoting positive relationships with parents to encourage effective learning and good behaviour.
• Adults modeling the behaviour that is expected from pupils.
• Engaging in positive everyday interactions between staff and pupils.
• Maintaining good school and class routines (See below).
• Helping pupils themselves to recognise and affirm good learning behaviour.
• Recognising and giving positive feedback about behaviour.
• Giving pupils responsibility in daily activities in the school.
• Involving pupils in the consultative process in the development of the Code of Behaviour.
• Setting clear boundaries and rules for pupils.
• Involving pupils in the preparation of the school rules.
• Involving pupils in the preparation of classroom rules and class charters at the beginning of each school year.
• Using displays throughout the school to visually reinforce good behaviour.
Classroom strategies for encouraging good behaviour
• Golden rules (See below)
• Circle time
• Pupils are involved in setting up class charters based on school rules and understand why these rules need to be enforced
• Creating time to listen and discuss issues with pupils
• Teaching of rules and responsibilities
• Reinforcement of rules
• Class routines
• Teaching of good manners
• Individual Behaviour Plan
• Individual Reward systems
• Home/School Behaviour Contract
Rewards Systems for good behaviour
Whole School
• Praise
• Encouragement
• Best line in the yard
• Gold Cards
• Praise
• Encouragement
• Golden Time (Activity session which takes place in all classes usually on Friday afternoon)
• Reward stickers, stars and stamps
• Best table
• Marble Jar – on a class basis pupils are awarded marbles for good behaviour and get a special treat when the marble jar is full
• Den Time
• Individual Reward systems e.g.
? Gold Cards
? Homework vouchers
? Sit beside a friend voucher
? Lucky Dip
? Note in Homework Journal
? Good news note
? Individual reinforcers
? Token system
Whole School and Classroom routines
The following is a list of some of the routines that the pupils are taught and or reminded of at the beginning of each school year and during the school year if the need arises.
Entering school / classroom each morning
• Entering the school grounds
• Getting on and off the bus
• Entering the building in the morning
• Hanging up coats in classroom
• Storing away school bags and lunch boxes
• Roll-call
• Getting chairs ready
• Explaining absences
• First Task (take out homework diary, prepare for homework correction, spelling test…)
• Speaking to teacher about notes from home, reply slips money, other issues
• Latecomers
• Morning activity time in classrooms
Seating Arrangements
• Moving places regularly throughout the year
• Moving seats for various subject areas
• Use of seating in specific areas ( e.g. at the computer )
• Seating of pupils on ‘ Time Out ’
• Where to eat : inside/outside the classroom
• Movement in classroom when eating inside
• Routine for leaving class for yard
• Routine for rainy days
• Routine for entering classroom after break
Leaving the Classroom
• Leaving the classroom to go on a message
• Leaving the classroom to go to the hall or another room in the school / OT or sensory room
• Routine for visiting the office
• Fire drills
• Leaving the class for learning support or resource
• Lining up procedures which may include who lines up first-class leader, table by table, with or without partners
Out of Class
• Playground; specific areas to play and playground rules ( See below)
• Appropriate behaviour when moving around the school
• If leaving early reminding parent to sign out
Storage / Distribution of Materials
• Where materials/ textbooks for various subjects are stored
• Labeling of materials/textbooks
• Monitoring of materials/textbooks
• Distribution / collection of materials/textbooks
Class work
• Instructions for pupils
• Use of pen/pencil
• Following a schedule e.g. in Outreach Classes
• Talking during individual work
• Talking during small group work
• Moving into/out of groups
• Movement around the classroom
• Asking a fellow pupil for assistance
• Borrowing materials from teacher’s desk
• Using the sink
• How pupils get teacher’s attention
• How the teacher gets all the pupils’ attention
• Indicating when work is complete
• Early finishers – what to do when assigned task is complete
• Submitting work for correction
• Pupils marking the work of classmates e.g. editing creative writing
• Handing back marked work
• Catching up with missed work
• Transitions between lessons
• Work for immediately after the break
• What pupils are to do if a visitor arrives to speak to the teacher
• Library; returning books and taking out new books
End of day
• Tidying up individual areas and packing bags
• Tidying up the classroom
• Retrieving coats/other belongings stored away
• Lining up to leave the class
• Pupils who go home by bus
• Pupils going to after school activities
Golden Rules
We are gentle
We don’t hurt others
We are kind and helpful
We don’t hurt anybody’s feelings
We listen
We don’t interrupt
We are honest
We don’t cover up the truth
We work hard
We don’t waste our own or others’ time
We look after property
We don’t waste or damage things
Reference: Quality Circle Time in the primary classroom, Volume 1, Jenny Mosley, LDA, 1996
Playground rules – junior yard
• Chasing is to be “tip” only, no grabbing. When caught, children must go straight to ‘jail’.
• Children are not allowed on the mound or grass.
• There is a designated day for each class to have use of the equipment.
• When the siren goes the children are to freeze and await instruction.
• Children walk to the line when called by the teacher on yard.
• Children are not to climb on any gates or basketball posts.
• ‘Time out’ for infants needs to be instant if there is unsafe behaviour.
• “Play-fighting” games are not allowed.
• Teams for chasing should be mixed.
Playground rules – senior yard
• Chasing is to take place on the black tarmac area between the grass and the grey path. Chasing must not take place in the skipping, football or kerbs area.
• Chasing is to be “tip” only, no grabbing. When caught, children must go straight to ‘jail’.
• The children are to stay off the grass at certain times of the year.
• Each class has a designated day for football. Children from other classes cannot play on these days, even if the class whose day it is are on a school tour.
• Each class has a designated day with the yard equipment. Children from other classes cannot use the equipment on these days.
• Skipping is to take place on the grey concrete area between the football area and the main yard area.
• ‘Kerbs’ take place across from the football area.
• Handball may be played against the high wall next to the junior yard but balls should only travel as high as the height of the red bricks.
• At the end of yard time the children are to line up quietly in a straight line in their class groups as directed by the teacher on duty.
• A yellow line marks the end of senior yard/ beginning of junior yard.
• Teams for chasing should be mixed.
• Children are to avoid running or walking through the lines that are designated for races.
7. Responding to Inappropriate Behaviour
In the N.K.E.T.S a whole school approach is used in response to inappropriate behaviour. Elements of this approach include the use of a problem-solving approach when dealing with inappropriate behaviour, agreed ways of describing behaviour, a ladder of intervention, agreed arrangements for recording behaviour and the use of sanctions.
7.1. Problem Solving Approach
This is an approach used by the teacher and/or the school to respond to the unwanted behaviour using some or all of the following steps, not necessarily in the order outlined below.
• Gather information. Try to understand the context and the factors that may be affecting behaviour.
• Generate ideas about possible solutions that take account of the reasons why it may be happening.
• Decide and agree on specific strategies.
• Implement the agreed strategy consistently.
• Review progress: evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the intervention.
• Throughout, keep the relationship with the pupil as positive as possible; involve the pupil and parent.
7.2. Responding to bullying behaviour
Bullying is prohibited in the N.K.E.T.S. The school has in place an Anti-Bullying Policy. In the event of an allegation of bullying taking place the procedures outlined in the Anti-Bullying Policy will be adhered to. The sanctions as outlined in this Code of Behaviour may be used in dealing with incidents of bullying. Bullying may be considered as a serious or gross misbehaviour
7.3. Responding to Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Related Incidents
The school has in place a Substance Use Policy. In the event of an allegation related to this policy procedures outlined in the policy will be adhered to. The sanctions as outlined in this Code of Behaviour and in the Substance Use Policy may be used in dealing with these types of incidents. These incidents may be considered as a serious or gross misbehaviour.
7.4. Examples of minor, serious and gross misbehaviours
7.4.1. Minor misbehaviours
• breaking the agreed class rules including during lunchtime
• interrupting class work which prevents others from learning
• leaving seat without permission at lunch time
• running in school building
• not following recycling code
• leaving litter around the school
• not responding to the school bell in a timely manner
• failing to line up correctly when requested to do so
• time delaying and chatting in toilets
• being discourteous and unmannerly
• not completing homework without good reason
• isolated acts of disrespect/unkindness to any staff member/pupil/parent/visitor
• isolated instances of being unable to abide by accepted conventions due to special educational/behavioural needs
7.4.2. Serious misbehaviours
• regular acts of disrespect/unkindness to any member of the school community
• regular instances of speaking out of turn, interrupting others and being inattentive
• regularly preventing others from learning
• deliberately refusing to co-operate with instructions
• using a mobile phone during school hours
• vandalism of school property
• answering back to any staff member/pupil/parent/visitor
• consistently not completing homework without good reason (age appropriate)
• constantly disruptive in class
• persistent minor misbehaviours
• telling lies (age appropriate)
• stealing
• deliberately endangering self or fellow pupils during all school activities
• willful damage to the property of another child/children
• frequenting school premises after school hours without appropriate permission
• leaving school premises during school day without appropriate permission
• using unacceptable language
• verbal abuse or discriminatory remarks
• bringing weapons to school or using objects as weapons in school e.g. knives of any form, catapults, guns of any form
• inappropriate touching and displaying of body parts (age appropriate)
7.4.3. Gross misbehaviours
• aggressive, threatening or violent behaviour towards any staff member/pupil/parent/visitor
• any act of assault against any staff member/pupil/parent/visitor
• willful damage to property
7.5. A ladder of intervention
As part of the whole-school approach, there is an agreed ladder of intervention which the Principal and teachers use in response to inappropriate behaviour. The three levels at which intervention may take place are outlined below.
Levels of intervention
Support for all Most pupils behave appropriately, with the help of consistent and clear rules and routines in class and in school. Occasional, minor misbehaviour should be attended to routinely and effectively through the skill of the classroom teacher.
Additional support for some pupils
Some pupils need more active intervention to help them to manage their behaviour. Without additional help, they may be at risk of failing behaviourally, socially and educationally. Additional inputs or interventions might include:
• referral to another teacher or adult who can work with the pupil
• involving the Pastoral Care team ( Senior members of staff)
• setting targets for behaviour and monitoring them with the pupil in a supportive way
• behaviour contracts.
Specialised support for a small minority of pupils A small minority of pupils may show particularly challenging behaviour. They may have great difficulty in learning new behaviour and may not respond to low-level interventions. These pupils will need a sustained and systematic response involving the important adults in their lives, in school and at home.
The Principal and staff will in so far as it is possible build good links with any local support services that may be able to assist in responding to the needs of a pupil with behavioural difficulties.
7.6. Sanctions: Strategies for dealing with misbehaviour
The purpose of a sanction is to bring about a change in behaviour by:
• helping pupils to learn that their behaviour is unacceptable
• helping them to recognise the effect of their actions and behaviour on others
• providing pupils the opportunity for reflection on their behaviour and its consequences
• helping pupils (in ways appropriate to their age and development) to understand that they have choices about their own behaviour and that all choices have consequences
• helping them to learn to take responsibility for their behaviour.
A sanction may also:
• reinforce the boundaries set out in the code of behaviour
• signal to other pupils and to staff that their wellbeing is being protected.
In instances of more serious breaches of school standards, sanctions may be needed to:
• prevent serious disruption of teaching and learning
• keep the pupil, or other pupils or adults, safe.
The following is a list of sanctions that are used not necessarily in the order outlined below.
• Verbal reprimand, in private where practicable, to include reasoning and advising how to improve.
• Misbehaviours at break time may result in ‘Time Out’ in the yard.
• Withdrawal of privileges for example, golden time, football at yard time, extra yard time reward. Parents may be informed depending on the seriousness of the sanction.
• A pupil will not be deprived of access to a curricular area as a sanction. However if a pupil is misbehaving during a particular lesson they may be given a cooling off period in which they are removed from the lesson.
• The pupil is reprimanded and /or given ‘Time Out’ by being separated from peers in the classroom, either changing places with another pupil or moving to an isolated desk. During this time they will still partake in class work.
• The pupil may be removed to a separate place for a “cool down” period. The pupil may be given class work during this time and/or be encouraged to reflect on their behaviour and or write about it.
• In the case of serious incidents a pupil may be removed from their class for a longer period.
• Pupil apologises sincerely (in writing where appropriate).
• Parents/guardians will generally be informed by letter or by a note in homework diary, parents will be informed as soon as it is perceived that difficulties are developing with regard to their child’s behaviour.
• Detention at lunch time may be used for serious misbehaviours in consultation with the Principal. The pupil will be given time to eat their lunch, go to the toilet and will be supervised at all times. Parents will be informed of detention, with a ‘Detention Note’ (Appendix B).
• Pupils are sent to the Principal for continually occurring or serious misbehaviours and/or a ‘Discipline Note’ will be issued (Appendix A).
• Personal contact may be made with parents by the teacher or the Principal in the form of a letter or a phone call.
• Parents may be requested to meet with the teacher and/or the Principal.
• Referral made by Principal to the Chairperson of the Board of Management to arrange a meeting between them and the parents.
• Referral to the Board of Management.
• In the event of a serious incident of misbehaviour or where a pupil is continuously disruptive he/she may be suspended by the Principal/ Board of Management for a minor fixed period (one to three school days).
• Expulsion.
7.7. Recording Inappropriate Behaviour
Inappropriate behaviour by a pupil or pupils may be recorded at each class level. Incidents of serious misbehaviour during break times must be reported by the teacher on yard duty or SNA (Special Needs Assistant) to the class teacher at the end of yard time. Depending on the nature of the misbehaviour these records may include a description of the behaviour, the context of the behaviour, action taken and sanctions incurred, interventions tried if any and how the pupil has responded to them, and copies of any correspondence with parents.These records will be stored in a class folder which will be returned to the Principal at the end of each school year.
The Principal will record and retain all records of Suspension.
8. Suspension
Suspension is defined as “requiring the pupil to absent himself/herself from the school for a specified, limited period of school days “. During the period of a suspension, the pupil retains their place in the school.
8.1. Authority to Suspend
The Board of Management of N.K.E.T.S. has delegated the authority to suspend a pupil to the Principal.
8.2. Grounds for Suspension
• The pupil’s behaviour has had a seriously detrimental effect on the education of other pupils.
• The pupil’s continued presence in the school at this time constitutes a threat to safety.
• The pupil is responsible for serious damage to property.
A single incident of serious misbehaviour may be grounds for suspension.
8.3. Procedures for Suspension
Where a preliminary assessment of the facts confirms serious misbehaviour that could warrant suspension, the school will observe the following procedures:
• The pupil and their parents will be informed about the complaint, that it will be investigated and that it may result in suspension. Parents will be informed in writing and where practical by phone.
• The parents and pupil will be given an opportunity to meet with the Principal to discuss the incident and respond before any sanction is imposed.
• If a pupil and their parents fail to attend a meeting, the Principal will inform them in writing advising them of the gravity of the matter, the importance of attending a re-scheduled meeting and, failing that, the duty of the school authorities to make a decision to respond to the negative behaviour.
• Any decision to suspend will be given in writing to the parents.
8.4. Immediate Suspension
In exceptional circumstances, the Principal may consider an immediate suspension to be necessary where the continued presence of the pupil in the school at the time would represent a serious threat to the safety of pupils or staff of the school, or any other person. Where an immediate suspension is considered by the Principal to be warranted for reasons of the safety of the pupil, other pupils, staff or others, a preliminary investigation will be conducted to establish the case for the imposition of the suspension. The formal investigation will immediately follow the imposition of the suspension. All of the conditions for suspension apply to immediate suspension. No suspension, including an immediate suspension, will be open-ended. In the case of an immediate suspension, parents will be notified, and arrangements will be made with them for the pupil to be collected. The school will have regard to its duty of care for the pupil. In no circumstances will a pupil be sent home from school without first notifying parents.
8.5 Appealing a Suspension
The Board of Management has placed a ceiling of three days on any one period of
suspension imposed by it. The Board will formally review any proposal to suspend a student, where the suspension would bring the number of days for which the student has been suspended in the current school year to twenty days or more. Any such suspension is subject to appeal under section 29 of the Education Act 1998
9. Expulsion
A student is expelled from a school when a Board of Management makes a decision to permanently exclude him or her from the school, having complied with the provisions of section 24 of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000.
9.1 Authority to Expel
The authority to expel a student is reserved to the Board of Management.
9.2. Grounds for Expulsion
Expulsion of a student is a very serious step, and one that will only be taken by the Board of Management in extreme cases of unacceptable behaviour. A proposal to expel a student requires serious grounds such as
• The student’s behaviour is a persistent cause of significant disruption to the learning of others or to the teaching process.
• The student’s continued presence in the school constitutes a real and significant threat to safety.
• The student is responsible for serious damage to property.
The grounds for expulsion may be similar to the grounds for suspension. In addition to factors such
as the degree of seriousness and the persistence of the behaviour, a key difference is that, where
expulsion is considered, the Board of Management will have tried a series of other interventions, and believe they have exhausted all possibilities for changing the student’s behaviour.
9.3. Expulsion for a first offence
There may be exceptional circumstances where the Board of Management forms the opinion that a student should be expelled for a first offence. The kinds of behaviour that might result in a proposal to
expel on the basis of a single breach of the code could include:
• a serious threat of violence against another student or member of staff
• actual violence or physical assault
• supplying illegal drugs to other students in the school
• sexual assault
9.4. Procedures for expulsion
Where a preliminary assessment of the facts confirms serious misbehaviour that
could warrant expulsion, the procedural steps will include:
1. A detailed investigation carried out under the direction of the Principal.
2. A recommendation to the Board of Management by the Principal.
3. Consideration by the Board of Management of the Principal’s recommendation; and the holding of
a hearing.
4. Board of Management deliberations and actions following the hearing.
5. Consultations arranged by the Educational Welfare Officer.
6. Confirmation of the decision to expel.
These procedures assume that the Board of Management is the decision-making body in relation to expulsions.
It is a matter for the Board of Management to decide which of the tasks involved
in these procedural steps requires separate meetings and which tasks can be accomplished together in a single meeting, consistent with giving parents due notice of meetings and a fair and reasonable time to prepare for a Board hearing. Steps 1 to 6 as outlined above and detailed in “Developing a Code of Behaviour – Guidelines for Schools”, issued by the National Educational Welfare Board (NEWB) Pages 83 – 86 will be followed. In the event of an appeal the appeals process under section 29 of the Education Act 1998 will be followed.
9.5. Review of use of Expulsion
The Board of Management will review the use of expulsion in the school at regular intervals to ensure that its use is consistent with school policies, that patterns of use are examined to identify factors that may be influencing behaviour in the school, and to ensure that expulsion is used appropriately.
10. Implementing and communicating the code
Parents will be provided with a copy of the Code of Behaviour prior to registering their child at the New Junior Infants Parents Information Meeting normally held in May each year. Time will be allocated at the meeting for answering any queries that parents may have concerning the Code of Behaviour.
The code will be communicated to the school community in a variety of ways including
• through the School Booklet and Information Pack for new parents
• on the school website
• at Information Meetings for parents
• in the School Newsletter
• at Staff Meetings
Next review date
This Code of Behaviour will be reviewed in the school year 2018/2019 or sooner if deemed necessary.
Code submitted to Patron
The Code of Behaviour was submitted to and approved by the Patron in May 2011.
Ratification by the Board of Management
This Code of Behaviour was ratified by the Board of Management in May 2011 following all consultations.
Appendix A
Dear Parents, Date: ___________
PUPIL’S NAME:_____________________________ CLASS: ____________________
Please remind your child about the importance of:
O Application to work O Behaviour in yard
O Homework O Respect for staff
O Obedience O Respect for other pupils
O Punctuality O Respect for other pupils’ property
O Behaviour in class O Respect for school property
Principal’s Signature:_______________________________________
Child’s Signature
O Child has to write about the incident and how they will try to prevent it recurring again.
I/We acknowledge receipt of this Discipline Note: _______________________________________
Parent’s /Guardian’s Signature
PLEASE RETURN TO THE PRINCIPAL BY _______________________
Appendix B
Dear Parents, Date: ___________
PUPIL’S NAME:_______________________
Your child was given detention on ____________________________ due to the following behaviour(s):
Obedience ____________ |
Behaviour in class ____________ |
Behaviour in yard ____________ |
Respect for staff ___________ |
Respect for other pupils ____________ |
Respect for other pupils’ property ____________ |
Respect for school property ____________ |
Teacher’s Signature:______________________ Principal:_______________________
Please sign below and return this note to your child’s teacher.
Parent’s Signature:________________________ Date:_____________________