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PTA Notice Board

The NKETNS Parent Teacher Association (PTA) provides a structure through which parents/guardians can work with the Principal, staff, Board of Management and children to foster a strong sense of community. The PTA’s programme of activities aims to promote the involvement of parents and advance the interests of the school.

All parents/guardians or teachers of children in school are members of the NKETNS PTA. The PTA is led by a committee elected at an Annual General Meeting. It includes parents nominated at the AGM, two members of the Board of Management (elected by the parent body as parent nominees to the Board), and two teachers (elected by the teaching staff). Sub-committees may also be established to support the organisation of specific events or fundraising activities.

The current PTA Committee members are:

– Lisa Freeman (Chair)

– Sarah Caldwell (Treasurer)

– Sinead Talbot (Secretary)

– Mark Cribbin

– Viv O’Connor

– Susan O’Brien

– Jane O’Rourke

– Ciara Gogarty

– Karen Corbet (teacher representative.)

– Bearach Ó Casaide (teacher representative)

– Lisa O’Brien (BoM parents’ nominee)

– Gary Finnegan (BoM parents’ nominee)

The PTA Committee uses this notice board as means of communicating news, updates or information that may be valuable in our efforts to support our children’s learning.

Contact Us

If you have any queries or suggestions for the committee, please contact us at nketnspta@gmail.com . We look forward to hearing from you.

If you have any ideas for events or any comments or feedback, please get in touch by email at nketnspta@gmail.com

Don’t forget to visit our NKETNS PTA Facebook page too!

Stationary Cycle

Another fun highlight of the school year is the famous stationary cycle hosted by our PTA outside a local supermarket.

Families turn up on the day to each take a 15-30 minute slot on a stationary bike. We usually have 3-4 bikes on the go of various sizes so children and adults can get stuck in! Some years we’ve even managed to get a system in place that measures the distance “travelled” by our cyclists! We also have a team of parents, children and staff collecting money in buckets, sporting our beautiful North Kildare ETNS t-shirts which features a logo designed by children who have gone through  our school. This is all in the name of raising funds towards the running of our school and promoting our wonderful school.

This year it was a beautiful sunny day with a nice breeze to keep our cyclists cool. We had lots of treats available for all those kids who could show up on the day to do their school proud. They blitzed the adults on their bikes with their super fast speed and serious stamina! Check out our PE hall window next to the office to see some photos of all the brave cyclists who turned up on Saturday October 8th 2022! We all had a ball!

Cake Sale

The Cake Sale is by far the most hotly anticipated event amongst the children in our school! The excitement levels are through the roof as soon as they get word, that yes, the cake sale will go ahead this term.

This has never been more apparent as in recent times when Covid restrictions sadly put a stop to the North Kildare ETNS Cake Sale. Most classes could be heard, in the first days of September 2022, begging the principal for insider knowledge on whether or not the Cake Sale would go ahead this term as hoped!

We always make sure to have a table of ‘free from’ treats clearly labelled so children’s allergies are catered for and all children can enjoy the wonders of the Cake Sale! Parents are encouraged to send in suitable treats for their child and can cater for other children who share the same allergy too.

It has become an important fundraiser for our school each year since its inception, and we are hugely grateful to the PTA and Cake Sale volunteers for going full steam ahead with organising it each year it has been feasible to. If not for all the families who give up their time that week (and tidy kitchens) to the cause, the NKETNS Cake Sale would not be possible. Willy Wonka himself would be impressed at the variety of sweet treats on display throughout the year!

Hope you can join us to volunteer at one in the future to see the excitement it brings to our children!